- local hour angle
- местный часовой угол
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
Local Hour Angle — Der Ortsstundenwinkel (eng: Local Hour Angle, LHA) ist ein vom in dem Nautischem Jahrbuch veröffentlichen Greenwicher Stundenwinkel (Grt) abgeleiteter Stundenwinkel. Er bezeiht sich nicht auf Greenwich, sondern auf den Ort des Beobachters. Man… … Deutsch Wikipedia
local hour angle — The angle at the celestial pole measured westward from 0° to 360° from the observer’s meridian to the celestial meridian of the body … Aviation dictionary
hour angle — The angular distance west of a celestial meridian or hour circle; the arc of the celestial equator, or the angle at the celestial pole, between the upper branch of a celestial meridian or hour circle and the hour circle of a celestial body or the … Aviation dictionary
Hour angle — In astronomy, the hour angle is one of the coordinates used in the equatorial coordinate system for describing the position of a point on the celestial sphere.The hour angle of a point is the angle between the half plane determined by the Earth… … Wikipedia
greenwich hour angle — usu ˈgrinij in Greenwich, Eng, & in Great Britain as a whole, usually ˈgrenich or ˈgrenēch in Greenwich Village & in NYC as a whole, often in certain other places named Greenwich & usually by speakers unfamiliar with the local pronunc of any… … Useful english dictionary
Solar azimuth angle — The solar azimuth angle is the azimuth angle of the sun. It is most often defined as the angle between the line from the observer to the sun projected on the ground and the line from the observer due south. A positive azimuth angle generally… … Wikipedia
Solar elevation angle — The solar elevation angle is the elevation angle of the sun. That is, the angle between the directionof the sun and the (idealized) horizon. It can be calculated, to a good approximation, using thefollowing formula::, sin heta mathrm{s} = cos h… … Wikipedia
Kurt Angle — Angle at a WWE Q A in August 2005. Ring name(s) Kurt Angle Height 5 ft 10 in (1.78 m) … Wikipedia
LHA — • Local Hour Angle … Maritime acronyms and abbreviations
Intercept method — The Intercept Method , or Marcq St Hilaire method , as it is also rather inaccurately known, is an astronomical navigation method of calculating an observer s position on earth. It was originally called the azimuth intercept method because the… … Wikipedia
PZX triangle — The PZX triangle is a term used in Astro Navigation, or Celestial Navigation, and its solution can give you your position anywhere (more or less) on the globe. The sky is described as a Celestial Sphere with a North and South Pole corresponding… … Wikipedia